Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 2 - Streets of Alta Mira

Today we arose to a great breakfast at a restaurant just down the road (two words: FRY JACKS!) Once breakfast was done, we came back to change clothes for church and a team devotional. We read chapter 28 of Matthew and prayed for the Great Commission to become real to us here in Belize.

At church, we sang songs led by Jay Nelson's guitar and Hal Bishop's clarinet. While the girls did Sunday School for the kids. Benny Collins spoke a powerful word on Jesus’ crucifixion to the adults.

After lunch at Pastor Emilio’s house, we did a prayer walk and invited people to come to church and/or kids to come to Vacation Bible School. We were able to pray for many of them. One example is a lady named Teresa who needed prayer for family and the sorrow in her soul.

Once we made it back to the church we cooled off and had a spirited game of wiffleball with the local folks. Much laughter was add with all..and some possible major league hitters there!

That evening, another church service was performed with Benny speaking again. His message was one of Courage in the story of Joshua 1:1-9. 

We completed the day with breaking into smaller groups for devotionals and to share what we had seen God did during the day. We look forward to the start of VBS and Soccer camps tomorrow! Continue to pray for guidance for us all!

ACTS 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an incredible day (Pastor P is looking good)! Praying that God will empower you with His Holy Spirit as you look serve Him this week.
